International Research journal of Management Science and Technology

  ISSN 2250 - 1959 (online) ISSN 2348 - 9367 (Print) New DOI : 10.32804/IRJMST

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Vol -  5, Issue- 9 ,         Page(s) : 137 - 145  (2014 ) DOI :


Employee is one of the crucial factors of the organization success. Employee satisfaction is the terminology used to describe whether employees are happy and contented and fulfilling their desires and needs at work. The objective of the study was to identifythe factors which affectemployees’ satisfaction.The researcher had used descriptive researchdesign for analysis. Data has been analysed by applying percentage analysis. Based on the literature review a conceptual model of employee satisfaction was developed and 14 factors were identified which affect employees satisfaction. The data analysis revealed that employees’ was highly satisfied on the factor likerelationship with peers, training and development, job location and working hour and dissatisfied with the compensation management, recognition and rewards, decision making, physical job security, leadership and performance appraisal policy.

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